
Despite the current climate and the uncertainty surrounding Covid-19, we continue to operate as usual across all the services that we offer to our clients, both current and prospective.

We are committed to following the Government guidance and we have adapted to the situation as it presents itself.

Our Family and Wills / Probate Team can continue to offer you initial advice by telephone and if you have a case in court, we have the necessary facilities necessary to provide you with the representation.


The impact on court hearings

Following the outbreak of the coronavirus and in line with government guidelines, the President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane issued guidance on 19th March that all Family Court hearings are to be undertaken remotely. A remote hearing could be conducted via telephone, video or Teams. The Courts therefore remain open which means that we can continue to make applications to the Court on your behalf and any current negotiations do not need to stop.

We appreciate that our clients may be feeling apprehensive and uncertain about their case in light of the current situation. However, we will continue to support and advise you.


Remote Hearings

The Family Team at Battrick Clark Solicitors have experience in conducting remote hearings – including telephone and Zoom hearings. Zoom is a user friendly, video conferencing service which enables you to join a Court hearing virtually. Prior to any remote Court hearing taking place, we can provide you with the guidance and assistance that you need to ensure that you feel comfortable and supported prior to your hearing taking place.

If a remote hearing is not suitable for a particular Court hearing, we will advise you and an agreement between the parties can be reached in the interim as a holding position.

Alternative methods are being explored and we will continue to update you when guidance is issued.

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0117 973 1391